Mysteriously Losing My Marbles

I’ve lost it.

I’ve legitimately lost my ability to fathom people’s actions or motivations anymore. I don’t think THEY even know what they’re doing, or the implications of what they’re proposing. If I was in the U.K., I’d say I’m properly mental. But instead, I’ll just say I’m as mad as a hatter. Mad in my lack of sanity and in my outlook expression of life. I’m mad.

Why? Well, why not. We are living in a terribly horrible time and yet, you know what the world is telling me?


– The world

Am I, though? I don’t think I am, but it’s hard to argue against the natural peer pressure of what everyone is doing right now – which is going out, working, eating, taking unnecessary risks because they’re tired of this COVID-19 thing that’s controlling their lives. I sit on Facebook, and it is a daily occurence. My parents leave the house. I dont think there’s been a single day they haven’t. They’re out driving. They’re out eating. They’re out here, there, everywhere, and they aren’t the healthiest people in the world. Both of them have different lung problems. One is a smoker, the other has allergies that affect the lungs and breathing. On top of that, they live in and around a hugely populated city. What are you thinking right now?

I mean….someone has to be right. If I’m crazy and wrong and overreacting, than it is the people attacking, harassing, and physically assaulting store managers and clerks for enforcing a rule that says you must wear a mask in the store… they are right. If we truly live in an adversarial system, then that’s the case.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. Historically, when our nation is hit by something collectively, we come together as one voice. When 9-11 struck, we all felt it. Those of us who had flags…waved them and placed them outside their homes…we were always the strongest when most vulnerable…so what happened to us? What have we become?

The only thing I can think of is we’ve accepted a new way of life that finds hatred and violence as acceptable, and I’m sorry but this is where I get political. When you have someone at the highest authority constantly tell the American public that it’s okay to hate, it’s okay to discriminate, and it’s okay to laugh at the underprivileged, then that’s what happens and what HAS happened, and that’s why we dont care anymore, or those of us that do are shoved under a rock and mocked.

I’m mad. Because this doesn’t really affect you until you know someone who has it, or more importantly, has died from it. And I do. And the horror stories that went on for so many weeks while we waited to see what would come of it…was heartbreaking. Because there were ups and downs and the ups were great…but the downs were scary. And you have these people on Facebook showing projects they’re making for him when he comes home…and then overnight, he just dies. This isn’t a joke. People are dying.

Peace out. I’m done.